Sequential data assimilation for PDEs using shape-morphing solutions
Z. T. Hilliard, M. Farazmand
Submitted, 2024Extreme firebrand transport by atmospheric waves in wildfires
M. Farazmand
Submitted, 2024State estimation using sparse DEIM and recurrent neural networks
M. Farazmand, 2024
Sparse discrete empirical interpolation method: State estimation from few sensors
M. Farazmand
SIAM J. on Scientific Computing, vol. 46, pp. A3658-A3680, 2024Enforcing conserved quantities in Galerkin truncation and finite volume discretization
Z. T. Hilliard, M. Farazmand
Nonlinear Dynamics, vol. 112, pp. 14051-14069, 2024Modeling correlated uncertainties in stochastic compartmental models
K. Mamis, M. Farazmand
Mathematical Biosciences, vol. 374, pp. 109226, 2024Fisher information and shape-morphing modes for solving the Fokker-Planck equation in higher dimensions
W. Anderson, M. Farazmand
J. Appl. Math. Comput., vol. 467, pp. 128489, 2024Fast and scalable computation of shape-morphing nonlinear solutions with application to evolutional neural networks
W. Anderson, M. Farazmand
J. Comput. Phys., vol. 498, pp. 112649, 2024Tensor-based flow reconstruction from optimally located sensor measurements
M. Farazmand, A. K. Saibaba
J. Fluid Mech., vol. 962, pp. A27, 2023Stochastic compartmental models of COVID-19 pandemic must have temporally correlated uncertainties
K. Mamis, M. Farazmand
Proc. Royal Soc. A, vol. 479, pp. 20220568, 2023
Featured in NCSU News [Link]Quantifying rare events in spotting: How far do wildfires spread?
A. Mendez, M. Farazmand
Fire Safety Journal, vol. 132, pp. 103630, 2022
Selected by the journal's Editor-in-Chief as a featured article [Link]Shape-morphing reduced-order models for nonlinear Schrodinger equations
W. Anderson, M. Farazmand
Nonlinear Dynamics, vol. 108, pp. 2889-2902, 2022.Model-assisted deep learning of rare extreme events from partial observations
A. Asch, E. Brady, H. Gallardo, J. Hood, B. Chu, M. Farazmand
Chaos, vol. 32, pp. 043112, 2022Evolution of nonlinear reduced-order solutions for PDEs with conserved quantities
W. Anderson, M. Farazmand
SIAM J. on Scientific Computing, vol. 44, pp. A176-A197, 2022
Awarded the 2022 SIAM Student Paper Prize [Link]Investigating climate tipping points under various emission reduction and carbon capture scenarios with a stochastic climate model
A. Mendez, M. Farazmand
Proc. Roy. Soc. A, vol. 477, pp. 20210697, 2021
Featured in NCSU News [Link] and other news outlets [Link]Mitigation of rare events in multistable systems driven by correlated noise
K. Mamis, M. Farazmand
Phys. Rev. E, vol. 104, pp. 034201, 2021Data-driven prediction of multistable systems from sparse measurements
B. Chu, M. Farazmand
Chaos, vol. 31, pp. 063118, 2021Multiscale analysis of accelerated gradient methods
M. Farazmand
SIAM Journal on Optimization, vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 2337- 2354, 2020Mitigation of tipping point transitions by time-delay feedback control
M. Farazmand
Chaos, vol. 30, pp. 013149, 2020
Part of the Focus Issue on Rare Events in Complex Systems: Understanding and PredictionVortex boundaries as barriers to diffusive vorticity transport in two-dimensional flows
S. Katsanoulis, M. Farazmand, M. Serra, G. Haller
Phys. Rev. Fluids, vol. 5, pp. 024701, 2020Closed-loop adaptive control of extreme events in a turbulent flow
M. Farazmand, T. Sapsis
Phys. Rev. E, vol. 100, pp. 033110, 2019Extreme Events: Mechanisms and Prediction
M. Farazmand, T. Sapsis
ASME Appl. Mech. Rev., vol. 71, pp. 050801, 2019
Invited Review Article. A discussion of our review by Prof. Grigoriu and Wayne Uy is available here. Our closing comments are available here. [Journal Version]Are extreme dissipation events predictable in turbulent fluid flows?
P. Blonigan, M. Farazmand, T. Sapsis
Phys. Rev. Fluids, vol. 4, pp. 044606, 2019Surface waves enhance particle dispersion
M. Farazmand, T. Sapsis
Fluids, vol. 4, article no. 55 , 2019
Invited paper. Part of the special issue: Nonlinear Wave Hydrodynamics [video description]Variational Lagrangian formulation of the Euler equations for incompressible flow: A simple derivation
M. Farazmand, M. Serra
arXiv:1807.02726, 2018Physics-based probing and prediction of extreme events
M. Farazmand, T. Sapsis
SIAM News, vol. 51, January 2018A variational approach to probing extreme events in turbulent dynamical systems
M. Farazmand, T. Sapsis
Science Advances, vol. 3, pp. 1701533, 2017
Featured in MIT News [Link] and other news outlets [Link]Relative periodic orbits form the backbone of turbulent pipe flow
N. B. Budanur, K. Y. Short, M. Farazmand, A. P. Willis, P. Cvitanović
J. Fluid Mech., vol. 833, pp. 274-301, 2017Optimal initial condition of passive tracers for their maximal mixing in finite time
M. Farazmand,
Phys. Rev. Fluids, vol. 2, pp. 054601, 2017Reduced-order prediction of rogue waves in two-dimensional deep-water waves
M. Farazmand, T. Sapsis
J. Comput. Phys., vol. 340, pp. 418-434, 2017Reduced-order description of transient instabilities and computation of finite-time Lyapunov exponents
H. Babaee, M. Farazmand, G. Haller, T. Sapsis
Chaos, vol. 27, pp. 063103, 2017A critical comparison of Lagrangian methods for coherent structure detection
A. Hadjighasem, M. Farazmand, D. Blazevski, G. Froyland, G. Haller
Chaos, vol. 27, pp. 053104, 2017Dynamical indicators for the prediction of bursting phenomena in high-dimensional systems
M. Farazmand, T. Sapsis
Phys. Rev. E, vol. 94, pp. 032212, 2016
Featured on the journal's kaleidoscope [Link]An adjoint-based approach for finding invariant solutions of Navier-Stokes equations
Farazmand M.,
J. Fluid Mech., vol. 795, pp. 278-312, 2016
A tutorial on the adjoint method is available here.Kinematics of fluid particles on the sea surface: Hamiltonian theory
Fedele F., Chandre C., Farazmand M.
J. Fluid Mech., vol. 801, pp. 260-288, 2016Defining coherent vortices objectively from the vorticity
Haller G., Hadjighasem A., Farazmand M., Huhn F.
J. Fluid Mech., vol. 795, pp. 136-173, 2016Polar rotation angle identifies elliptic islands in unsteady dynamical systems
Farazmand M., Haller G.
Physica D, vol. 315, pp. 1-12, 2016Asymptotic Dynamics of Inertial particles with memory
Langlois G. P., Farazmand M., Haller G.
J Nonlinear Sci, vol. 25, pp.1225-1255, 2015Attraction-based computation of hyperbolic Lagrangian coherent structures
Karrasch D., Farazmand M., Haller G.
J. Comp. Dyn., vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 83-93, 2015Dissipative inertial transport patterns near coherent Lagrangian eddies in the ocean
Beron-Vera F. J., Olascoaga J. M., Haller G., Farazmand M., Trinanes J., Wang Y.
Chaos, vol. 25, pp. 087412, 2015The Maxey-Riley Equation: Existence, Uniqueness and Regularity of Solutions
Farazmand M., Haller G.
J. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, vol. 22, pp. 98-106, 2015Shearless transport barriers in unsteady two-dimensional flows and maps
Farazmand M., Blazevski D., Haller G.
Physica D, vol. 278-279, pp. 44-57, 2014Attracting and repelling Lagrangian coherent structures from a single computation
Farazmand M., Haller G.
Chaos, vol. 23, pp. 023101, 2013
Editor's pick for the best papers of 2013 [Link]Detecting invariant manifolds, attractors and generalized KAM tori in aperiodically forced mechanical systems
Hadjighasem A., Farazmand M., Haller G.
Nonlinear Dynamics, vol. 73, pp. 689-704, 2013Computing Lagrangian coherent structures from their variational theory
Farazmand M., Haller G.
Chaos, vol. 22, pp. 013128, 2012
Editor-in-Chief's pick for the article of the year [Link]Erratum and addendum to "A variational theory of hyperbolic Lagrangian Coherent Structures, Physica D 240 (2011) 574-598"
Farazmand M., Haller G.
Physica D, vol. 241, pp. 439-441, 2012Controlling the dual cascades of two-dimensional turbulence
Farazmand M., Kevlahan N., Protas B.
J. Fluid Mech., vol. 668, pp. 202-222, 2011
PhD Thesis, A variational approach to coherent structures in unsteady dynamical systems (2014)
MSc Thesis, Controlling the Dual Cascade of Two-dimensional Turbulence (2010)